

We've stayed busy these last few weeks!  We've been getting out of the house everyday to do something fun for James (or at least let him run off some toddler energy!) and starting to run all of our normal errands again... Enjoy the photos!

Our favorite playground right now - Piney Wood Park - is only 1/2 a mile from our house.  A great morning or afternoon outing for James (and it's shaded... why are most playgrounds in full sun?)!

A sleep smile... Samuel started giving smiles in stages these past few weeks.  I'll write more about it soon!

While we were out to dinner with some friends, James fell out of the booth right onto his little head.  He had this nice, large goose egg and a yucky bruise for almost a week after.

We're back in cloth!  The diapers fit Samuel pretty well and we've had zero leaks or blowouts since starting him in them (after having several messes with disposables).

It's fall!  Time for cozy morning snuggles and nature walks...

... and PUMPKINS!

Sam had his first (real) birth.  He really likes bath time, as long as the water is precisely the perfect temperature (picky!).

We harvested our summer garden last week - we had lots of sweet potatoes (way more than the one or two that I expected - ha!) and carrots.  Pulled up all the tomatoes and other summer veggies and planted some cold weather lettuces and more kale!

James in his new big boy chair - a table is on the way soon (thanks Mamma Parsons and Mema/Click-Click!!!).  James will soon have his own little toddler space to play and create and snack :).

Story time with P/paw (Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - a current favorite).

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