
Quick lately...

Since my last post, we have (unexpectedly) traveled to and from Arkansas once more.  April was a hard month for the Pierce/Younger clan.  But our hearts have been so encouraged after having spent so much time with them recently!  Photos from those trips (and thoughts on losing Grandad, Janet and Mimi) in another post... Here's what we've been up to since we have been home!

Kitchen floor snacks

Lots of rainy days... means more screen time than usual.  The original Winnie the Pooh movie (was my favorite when I was James' age!)

Bathtime giggles

James told me that he was packing for our next roadtrip...!

The day we arrived home from our last trip, Stuart started a month of working nights that very evening!  He is tired. :)  This is him, post-call, reading the boys their Bible story one morning at breakfast.  He's a good dad.

Another rainy day - music class at the library with Ms. Patty!

Several rainy evenings in a row (when we usually go on stroller rides and play at the playground), called for an inside dance party.  Loud music and Gyffy the Giraffe for the win!

Sam was skeptical of mama's silly dancing... But we were all worn out and slept good that night!

This is a photo my dad took - he found a peacock on their front porch in Zebulon!  He sent me a video of it to prove it was real.  He jokingly said it was my mom's mother's day gift :)  We don't know where it came from!

Another rainy, moody morning called for a trip to our local donut shop - RISE.

New (to us) toys from Kid-to-Kid!  I had some store credit from selling some things a while back, and James likes to go because they have this little mechanical bus that you can put coins in and ride, so we stop by to visit every once in a while (it is right next door to RISE).  This trip, we found TWO great toys!  I NEVER buy toys for my boys, so this was a fun little surprise.  Stuffed George (to go with Peppa) for James and a wooden recycling truck for Sam. #Earthlovingfamily

Yet again another rainy day... lunch with Mema at our favorite, Foster's Market.  We have missed her (and P\paw) these last several weeks!

We have had a little cold snap, which I love on spring mornings!  Sam wanted to wear a toboggan at breakfast like mama :)

Included to show that it is STRAWBERRY SEASON!  Our favorite.  Hopefully we'll go pick some soon!

Worn out after shopping for a dress for mama for Aunt KayKay's wedding (unsuccessful) and playing at the indoor playground at the mall (you guessed it - another rainy day).

And a naptime sewing project from yesterday - our sweetest, dearest friends Chris and Jill Merrick welcomed little punkin Abe Michael Merrick into the world last weekend!  So, a handmade little lovey will be headed his way via USPS to celebrate his birthday.

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