
James goes swimming.

Our neighborhood pool opened on Saturday, and we had big plans of taking our little guy to play for the first time.  And then it rained all weekend. Womp womp.  But yesterday evening, the sun finally came out, and we had about an hour before James' bedtime routine started, so we took off to the pool (although Stuart wasn't home yet, so we'll have to go back with him soon).  It was nice and warm (read: humid!) by the time we go there, so James and I were both ready to cool off.  We hung out in the shade for a few minutes while I gave him a pep talk about being a big boy in the cold water (and changing him into his swim diaper), then we hopped in.

At first he had a few words of concern about the water temperature - not very warm like his little bathtub!  But then I showed him how he could splash his arms and legs, just like in the tub, and he was thrilled to do that until we got out (although he was shivering just a tad).

We lasted about 15 minutes in the water, mostly because I was nervous about sunburn.  Our ped recommended waiting until 6 months to put sunscreen on him, and even then to only use it if we absolutely must - shade and clothing protect better and are deemed safer for little baby skin than sunscreen chemicals, she says.

Then we snuggled on the towels for a while and walked home.  We are so blessed to have a great trail that runs through our neighborhood and around a lake, so this is how we get to the pool (and to a great little playground when James is a bit older!).  We can't wait for the weather to improve so we can go swimming everyday!

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