Length: 27.5 inches (15th percentile)
Head: 45cm (45th percentile)
Our appointment with Dr. Zimmerman went well. We got the go ahead to try eggs, yogurt and nut butters - except peanut, due to Stuart's severe allergy and the relative difficulty of dosing resuscitation meds prior to 1 year old, not because she's afraid that earlier exposure would place James at risk for developing an allergy, because she says the most current evidence demonstrates that earlier exposure may, in fact, decrease allergy risks. However, if an allergic reaction occurs, it is less safe to give the required supportive medications in a babe less than one year old.
So, I'm hoping to get my hands on some good, local eggs soon for baby James. Here's to hoping for a little variety in his breakfasts. I'm sure he's getting tired of oatmeal.
Otherwise, he just got his flu shot, which is important since both Stuart and I are in healthcare, and the likelihood that we will be exposed to the virus is very high. And it can be so dangerous for a little one to get the flu, so it wasn't worth the risk of us bringing it home to him and him not be protected against it.
He's only one week in to 9 months, but I need to add another thing that he has been doing a lot lately: pointing! Sometimes instead of waving hello, he will just point. And I just love his tiny, little, chubby fingers!
He has also started clapping for "yay," and especially "yay, dad!" This is what we cheer whenever Stuart gets home from work, and James has started clapping for it. It's cute. Though, sometimes it is hard to distinguish between him cheering "yay" and him wanting "more."
He is getting cuter and sweeter and more wonderful every day.
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