
James: 20 months

This is a strange milestone for James to reach to me, because this is how old he will be when he becomes a big brother (any day now, the midwives say...)!  Otherwise, not a lot of exciting things have happened this month other than playing a lot and having tons of fun!

We had cooler weather for a week or so (in late July and early August in NC!  Hooray!), so we played outside a lot and had several picnics.  James still loves to pick a carrot from the garden and eat it entirely.  He doesn't say "carrot," but he chomps his teeth and points to his mouth, and this is how he communicates that he wants to eat one!  Otherwise he seems to be getting pickier regarding food.  Though, he did try some pork tenderloin last week and loved it (rubbed with herbs and roasted)!  He ate every bite and asked for more.  His favorites are grapes, watermelon and strawberries.  Our staples include whole wheat pasta, beans, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, cheese, yogurt, spinach smoothies and avocados.  He is usually totally uninterested in most other meats and vegetables, and I have been too tired (lazy?) lately to be consistent in offering new foods other than what Stuart and I are eating.  Oh well, grace abounds and someday he will grow out of the picky toddler phase.

We have one new verbal word: "nigh nigh" for, of course, "night night."  I think it might be his sweetest yet. :)  I'm looking forward to having a smaller belly soon so that bedtime snuggles are less cumbersome and more comfortable for both of us!

He loves to play at the playground.  He has pretty much mastered the slide, and often even chooses to go all the way to the top and come down the big spiral slide by himself (though he prefers if I'm at the bottom to catch him).  He has started to be a bit bossy to other kids at the playground (and, well, everywhere that he sees other kids) and tells them "no no" all the time.  I try to just remind him to be kind and that we share with our friends.  He will certainly be a bossy big brother, like all good first children! :)

We've started pulling out some of our baby items to get ready for the new person joining us within the next week or so, and James has especially enjoyed his old zebra chair.  He is often found hanging out in it as shown in these photos!  He also loves to hang out in the new baby's room and play with the baby toys, climb in the rocking chair and lay in the crib pretending to sleep.

He is still the happiest boy I know, and I am so so grateful to be his mama every day (toddler tantrums and independence and all)!

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