
Lately: Museum of Life and Science

James' new favorite activity has been going to the Museum of Life and Science in downtown Durham.  Every day when I ask him what he wants to do, this is his answer!  The only problem is that it costs $15 per person to get in the door!  It was an expensive outing, especially on the weekends if Stuart joined us, so we would only go about once a month.  At the beginning of the summer, Stuart and I decided that if we matched at UNC for fellowship (and, therefore, wouldn't be moving away), we would ask for a year-long membership to the museum for Christmas (which would include free admission).  A few weeks ago, we realized that just during the summer, we had already spent more on admission fees at the museum than we would have if we had just bitten the bullet and purchased a membership.  So, we went again last weekend (at James' request) and bought a membership on the spot!  So, now you're looking at the newest members of the museum :)  We've already been 2 more times since then (to James' delight).  Otherwise, we've just been enjoying the cool(er) weather, lots of walking/jogging during the late afternoons and Stuart's chief schedule that allows him to be at home a bit more (though it comes with increased duties even while he is at home).

Meanwhile at home... Samuel is newly fascinated with the washer.  He will stand here forever and watch it slosh around and spin!

I have loved how much we have been able to go to the Saturday morning farmer's market this spring and summer.  Not only does it help get some grocery shopping done (and support local farmers!), but there's always unique and fun things for kids - like this man who makes giant bubbles from last Saturday.

We try to get together with the Reagans regularly for dinner, but recently we realized how much better it could be if we did it at each others' homes instead of always going out to restaurants.  We had a little kids table for James and Ezra, and they got to run around and play before and after eating!  Way better than sitting in a high chair.

Back to the museum... At the end of this month, they are opening a new section of their outdoor playground/exploration area.  Can't wait!

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