
Snow day #2 2016

It's day 2 of snow storm Jonas!  We've just been getting snow sprinkles on and off this morning... but we got some fun photos!

Yesterday evening it started to look more snowy than icy, so James wanted to go back out and play on the deck.

Pre-bedtime board game (James' absolute favorite these days) by the fire

Stuart had to round on his antepartum service this morning, so we played inside until he got home...

We played outside once Stuart got home - Sam was not a fan of the cold and couldn't figure out what to do with his hands (he hasn't quite figured out that mittens can be useful in such situations).  Because of the ice yesterday, the snow isn't sticking together very well, so James' snowman dream wasn't able to happen. Next snow!

Samuel quickly ended up back inside, while Stuart and James are actually still outside playing... Hot chocolate and cozy fire ready for when they come in!  And it's still snowing!  So, hopefully more snow play tomorrow.  Happy snow day(s)!

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